Friday, 26 June 2015

5 Benefits for Cancer Patients Using Medical Cannabis

5 Benefits for Cancer Patients Considering Using Medical Cannabis

Whilst lawmakers and scientists struggle to agree on the validity of any claims that Medical Cannabis is a miracle cure for cancer, it is evident that those who are already undergoing medical treatment for cancer can benefit from taking the substance. Chemotherapy is a long and traumatic procedure for anyone to have to go through, and the side effects that this can bring are debilitating.

Having Access to Medical Marijuana Delivery Service Can Help Ease Nausea

Chemotherapy can cause nausea and vomiting in patients but using marijuana during chemo treatment can ease this symptom. The FDA have even accepted that marijuana can assist in easing nausea and vomiting and have approved a tablet form of THC that can be used by patients. This has been available through Medical Marijuana Delivery Services since 1985.
Medical Cannabis

Medicinal Marijuana Can Control Mental Health Problems

Chemotherapy treatments can often cause depression as one of its many side effects. Marijuana is known for its ability to lift the user’s mood, and studies show that it is effective in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and depression in users.

Marijuana can Help Sufferers Get More Sleep

There are many issues that cancer patients can suffer from when it comes to sleeping, including struggling to fall asleep, stay asleep and feeling as though they have not had a good night’s sleep even if they do manage to fall asleep. The THC in marijuana can improve the user’s ability to sleep and can be used by those undergoing chemotherapy treatments who are struggling to sleep as a result.

Marijuana is Great for Pain Relief

Cancer and chemotherapy can produce high levels of pain for a patient, and sufferers often find that prescribed medications to help give pain relief do little to help with the pain without causing further side effects. Marijuana can help block the pain receptors in the body, so if cancer sufferers use the substance, they can find that they receive the pain relief that they need.

Buy Medical Marijuana to Help Fight Cancer

Whilst the jury is still out on this one, there have been plenty of scientific studies that show that weed is effective in attacking cancerous cells and for some forms of cancer it would appear that marijuana can slow, reverse and even prevent cancerous cells from forming. Even if a patient finds that they do have cancer before they’ve even ever tried to Buy Medical Marijuana for any reason, they can find that using the substance can limit the disease and stop it from spreading.
These are just 5 of the many benefits that using marijuana can offer to those suffering from cancer. To limit, control, treat and even prevent cancer in patients, the FDA and the scientists should continue to research the drug to discover more ways that it may be used to help those who are living with the disease.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Louisiana Close to Seeing Medical Marijuana Legalized

Louisiana Close to Seeing Medical Marijuana Legalized

2015 has been a great year for supporters of medical marijuana legalization in the state of Louisiana. So far, a new bill that proposes access to medicinal marijuana for all those who need it has made it’s way a long way through the ranks of local governmental approval. Now, the fate of this new legislation lies in the hands of Governor bobby Jindal. If the bill is passed, it would make Louisiana the 24th state in America to allow it’s citizens to legally access the substance.
The next step of the approval process looks positive for citizens of Louisiana. Jindal has already outwardly confirmed that he is in support of legalizing marijuana for the good health of those who would benefit from it. He has even gone so far as to admit that he was already had a chance to look at the bill and that if he had the chance to approve it, he would.
Medical Marijuana

How Would Louisiana’s Cannabis Dispensary System Work?

The bill would only allow medical marijuana in a form that it could not be smoked in. That means that it would need to be made into a pill or oils. There would then be 10 Cannabis Dispensaries at various locations around Louisiana where citizens could Buy Medical Marijuana. There would only be one authorized area for growing the marijuana for this purpose.
It is likely that the Louisiana State University is going to be the location that would have the highest chance of obtaining the license to cultivate the drug, along with the Southern University. If neither of these locations are interested in the project, then other companies would be able to enter a bidding process to try to find a suitable location.

Who Could Access Marijuana in the State?

There would only be a number of conditions covered under the new bill. These include Glaucoma, quadriplegia and those undergoing treatment for cancer. This would not remain the case forever though, as the University of Louisiana would be given the power to give their own recommendations for further conditions or diseases such as epilepsy, that could potentially be added to the list.

10 Marijuana Dispensaries Could be Chosen Where Citizens Could Buy Medical Marijuana

The locations for the 10 authorized cannabis dispensaries around the state would be existing pharmacies. Each pharmacy would be subjected to a review and the staff would need additional training and medicinal marijuana would be given under prescription to those patients who have been prescribed the drug by their doctor. All sales of the substance would be tracked to protect the safe distribution of the drug and to ensure that the only people who access the drug would be those authorised to Buy Medical Marijuana.
The bill would expire after 5 years, which would force Louisiana to assess the system and how successfully it performs. This would determine whether the state chooses to maintain the legislation or to ban the drug again.