Legislation Points Louisiana in the Right Direction for Legalizing a Marijuana Delivery Service
Whilst Louisiana has been known to have overly strict policies on marijuana related offenses, new laws that are being taken into consideration would drastically reduce the effect of the penalties imposed on marijuana related arrests. New legislation was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee in Louisiana just last week, which focuses on re-evaluating the current laws in the state that are inflicted on those offenders who have offended in the past. The next step for the bill is to go to the full senate for consideration. Whilst citizens would still not be able to use a Marijuana Delivery Service legally, it is possible that they could experience lesser penalties.
Lower Sentences for Those Who Order Medical Marijuana Online
It was only last year that a bill that had been proposed by Senator J.P. Morrell that had similarities to the current proposition. That bill didn’t get too far, so this most recent approval is certainly a step in the right direction. It’s hoped that this sudden change in attitude towards such bills is due to the shift in opinion of law enforcement groups who so far are not interjecting with the approval of the bill.This bill, if it goes all the way to being fully approved, will mean that there will be some significant changes to the way that minor pot offenses are handled. One-time offenders would no longer face prosecution and instead would be given a warning. So long as they didn’t commit another minor offense for just 2 years, they would have the offense removed from their criminal record.
8 Years Max for Those Who Order Marijuana Online
Even those who have offended in the past would see more relaxed punishments. Previous offenders may still face jail time, however the time that they are expected to be incarcerated for would be much less than they would at present. For example, at the moment, a person who was on their third offense could expect to get up to 20 years in jail. In addition to this, up to $5000 in fines could be imposed too. This is quite excessive and a strain on the prison system. The new bill, HB149 would see the maximum jail term for repeat offenders reduced to just 8 years at the most.Whilst the new bill does not promise complete relaxation in the laws regarding marijuana, the approval of the bill would see Louisiana begin to leave behind it’s negative and old fashioned outlook on marijuana. Non-violent offenders would spend less time in prison, giving a better criminal system where those who do commit violent offenses could be pursued without worrying about these minor offenders. Whilst it may not be advisable to Order Marijuana Online, the penalties if caught would be much less.
Many believe that the state’s lack of compassion and understanding of the benefits of marijuana are detrimental to it’s citizens and hope that this bill may bring a change in feeling towards the substance, paving the way for legalization to order Medical Marijuana Online and maybe one day, full legalization across the state.
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