Promising Cannabis News For Pennsylvania
There has been some great Cannabis news in Pennsylvania this week for the supporters of legalizing marijuana for medicinal use. Senator Mike Folmer submitted Bill 3, which calls to legalize the use of marijuana in the state for medicinal uses. The state senate passed the bill, which would mean legal access to medicinal marijuana services for many citizens who suffer from a multitude of severe health problems. This is an attractive prospect to many who feel that this naturally occurring medication has a bad public image that it doesn’t deserve.
Enabling Patients to Use A Medical Marijuana Delivery Service
The proposed bill would ultimately ensure that the use of cannabis for medical use is safely and fully regulated. Not everyone would be able to access a medical marijuana delivery service, but instead, the legal use of the drug would be restricted to those who have a valid medical condition that is on the list of approved conditions for use of the drug. The bill would also ensure that the State Board of Medical Cannabis Licensing under the Department of State would be able to oversee the safe use of the drug and appropriately license it.When the bill was passed on April 21st, the panel voted it in unanimously. It was amended slightly however, with detailed rules that medical cards permitting the use of the drug should be kept up to date to the minute. Those businesses licensed to grow, process and sell the drug for medicinal purposes should also be tracked carefully to ensure that no additional marijuana products could be illegally released from these outlets. Whilst no edible cannabis may be produced, it would be possible for medical cardholders to mix their cannabis into their food or to turn the cannabis into an inhalable steam to make using the drug more manageable for the individual. In addition, the list of allowed medical conditions was amended to add AIDs, HIV and the painful eye condition, glaucoma.
Medical Marijuana Benefits Finally Being Recognized
Senator Folmer expressed his relief following the acceptance of the bill by his colleagues. “This bill has had many individuals working hard to help the broadest group of people we possibly can without further delay,” said Folmer. He was happy that the amendments have been made in favour of the use of the drug and that the list had been expanded to provide relief to a wider group of patients.The use of marijuana has been legalized, decriminalized or is partially allowed for medicinal use across just under half the number of States in America. Bill 3, which has been brought forward a little more is a step in the right direction to give Pennsylvanians the chance to use medicinal marijuana to treat their various health problems. Finally, it looks as though America is waking up and realising the many medical marijuana benefits that can be provided by the drug.
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